Stone & Wood Pacific Ale

I’d never heard of Stone & Wood before we moved to the north coast of NSW in early 2014. We’d just taken over the lease on a shop in River Street and discovered there was a pub conveniently located at the end of the street.

So, after a hard day of shop fit out, we went for a cleansing ale and met the publican, Graham. Well he asked, “What’re you having?” and we asked, “What do the locals drink?” and before you know it we have a couple of pints of Stone & Wood Pacific Ale in front of us.

Well that was a start of a beautiful relationship!

I’ve tried a lot of beers and early on, I was pretty blasé about the regular beer offerings and most of the stuff my friends were drinking. But once I started travelling and tried a lot of different beers from different places, different countries, different styles, I really got a taste for Pale Ales and that has subsequently developed into a taste for IAPs, especially Pacific West Coast IPAs. But back at home, I was a pretty dedicated drinker of Cooper’s Pale Ale.

While I’m still a fan of Coppers Pale Ale and quite a few of the other beers in the Coppers range, Stone & Wood Pacific Ale, is my first preference, my go-to beer, the one I always have a few of in the fridge.

It’s very refreshing, has quite a floral bouquet and some very tropical fruit flavour notes. I think the first taste was a bit of an eye opener and a bit unexpected, but intriguing and irresistible and after the first schooner, I was sold.

The Stone & Wood Brewery was founded in 2008 in Byron Bay and their Pacific Ale was introduced to the world in 2010.

You can read all about them on their website and visit one of their breweries and try Stone & Wood for your self, of find your local supplier with their BEER FINDER!



